100M Offers

Kirjoittaja: Mikhail Zaitsev

23 maaliskuun, 2024

Lähdeteos: 100M Offers

Lähdeteoksen kirjoittaja: Alex Hormozi

Teoriapisteet: 3

After many suggestions I decided to read 100M Offers book. This book feels like it is not written by person who is writer, but who is very experienced and want to share his knowledge with entrepreneurs. But maybe it is part why this is so fun to read.

Also this is my first book in English.


In this book and “kasva tai kuihdu”, they are both talking that if your business is not growing, it is dying. That means that it is not enough to be on the same level, because that means everything around passes you by. 

So how to grow your business:

Get more customers 

Increase their average purchase value

Get them to buy more times

Grand slam offer may help you with it. It works because you can differentiate yourself from everyone else. You sell based on Value and not on Price.

Commoditized = Price Driven Purchases

Differentiated = Value Driven Purchases

Right market

One important this is choosing right market. If overall selected market is growing, it is easier to grow. That doesn’t mean you can’t grow in stable market, it is just much more difficult. 

I can see that when we sell 3D pictures of buildings, there is value for sure, but they still think twice, take it or not. We are just starting in product category, but I’m sure here is more money, so it will be easier to sell.

In book there was one good example how Entrepreneur who had really good idea, was doing losses. And the reason was market that was going down. Newspaper business is shrinking 25% every year, so you will go with it.

On the other hand, same guy made millions in another market, with exactly the same skills.

4 steps when trying to sell:

  • Your client should have massive pain

”Find peoples pain and help them with it. When they see what they life could be, they are going to pay.”

  • Be sure that they have purchasing power

 (If you going to sell help with resumes for people, and you are not getting enough money, that’s maybe because your clients are unemployed!)

  • They are easy to target.

Apply to your product specific sales message. Not just a 3D renders, but 3D renders for Scandinavian style houses.

  • They are growing.


When marketing your product or service, be sure here is answer to these questions for your client.

What will I make? (Dream Outcome) 

How will I know it’s going to happen? (Perceived Likelihood of Achievement)

How long will it take? (Time Delay)

What is expected of me? (Effort & Sacrifice)

And give fast wins. Person bought from you should get something small fast. Not sure how I could use this in 3D, but maybe we will figure something out.


Make your client be confident in your service. When selling something, give 100% satisfaction guarantee. If client can be sure that he will receive benefits from your services, they will most likely buy it.

That is what we are going to use when selling our 3D service. We are not that big brand to be fully trustable, so we can gain trust by giving service that is for sure going to be benefitical, or we are not going to get paid. 


Most important thing I learn from this book is about value, if you are selling 2 hours with you that can save company a lot time and money, they will give you money you are asking.

It may be difficult to find that kind of solution, but when found, you don’t have to think how much I should be paid for this work. You can think about how much they are ready to pay for given value.

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