Why to start with why

Kirjoittaja: Valtteri Luoma

10 joulukuun, 2023

Lähdeteos: Start with why

Lähdeteoksen kirjoittaja: Simon Sinek

Teoriapisteet: 1

Why is queen of all questions. But why is that you might ask. Because why gives us a reason. Asking the word why tells us a reason for everything we do. If you don’t know it, your doing won’t last as long as it could. Then you will stay on direction, you truly want. Every person’s truest motivation comes from within themselves. From the guy who looks at you in the mirror. Whether you are a company or an individual, you should know why you are doing what you are doing.  Sometimes it’s good to stop and ask yourself why? You must know why you do what you do! 

If leader don’t know why the company or group exists, then why would employees or group members know why to come work? Everyone needs a meaning, and it is one of the biggest things for leader to create it. If you ask your employees or group members to come working that’s all they will do. That’s why you should constantly remind them WHY this company is founded and what is the purpose behind all this. Then they will do more than the work. When people like what they do, they will do it longer, bigger and with better quality. Besides meaning a leader should also be able to increase passion and feeling of teammates. Arguments for that are simple because every human is passionate and trust his or her feelings. The thing is that we are just passionate on different things, or we have different feelings from different things. You should figure out who is passionate on which thing and remember that a human being does decisions commonly because of a feeling. Just keep on answering the question: “why we do this?” Easier to say than do. 

I see my mission in life as finding myself and my purpose. So far, I have been able to figure out the direction of my own path. Of course, it may still change along the way, but so far, I know I am: A competitive sports enthusiast whose passion as an individual is to do something meaningful with my life that I will be remembered for. At the same time, I’m also so called ”herd animal”. For me, family and friends are of great value, as well as children in the future. I take care of myself and my people. For the future I want to become inspirational leader, who has the courage and confidence to stand up for my people and speak to people as honest myself. I also feel that my role in this life is to bring joy to other people. This is my WHY. These are the arguments I am currently working on every day.  

Regardless of what we do in our lives, our WHY will never change. It will stay because it’s our destiny and we live because of it. Yet, according to the book, there are two kinds of doers. There are why people and how people. For the vision statement of the company, the WHY people tell why this company exist. Its vision of the future that not yet exist. Whereas for the mission statement of the company, the HOW people tell how this company creates its future. So, we need both of them to work together. Success is a team sport. I am pretty sure that I am more of a WHY guy. So, I will need to find my HOW guy to be successful. One of the best examples on why how duo comes from Apple. Jobs and Wozniak. I’m pretty sure that I won’t need to tell you who is who.  

What makes a great leader or great organization? In a world where all information is available to everyone and it feels as if everything has already been invented, it is very challenging to stand out or invent something new. What makes a good leader or organization is how they are able to see and think things most of us can’t see or think. The challenge is how they can sell the new innovations to others. The most repeated phrase in the book is that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. How I understand that is that people need trust to buy. Answering a question why says much more about a company than answering a question what. It’s pure psychology. What tells only about your product, but not about you. Do you buy the same product, such as a piece of clothing from a street vendor, or from a real shop? 

I got a great opportunity to pursue my dream of leading next year’s Bluumi. I still feel a sense of anticipation about the future, but I’ve planned a lot of things I’d like to achieve in us. I believe that great leaders inspire others to do, work and act. In this way the motivation will be personal. “Be the inspirer” will be my slogan in this role. I would like all individuals to become as self-initiating, self-directed as possible. It will make everyone more independent. As I’ve said before, I think it’s the most optimal mode of business in Tiimiakatemia. I think I have to find ways to lead the motivation of people. At the end everyone is most effectively motivated by themselves. Healthy selfishness is perfectly natural and acceptable. As long as one does not set out to act above others for the sole purpose of self-interest. Individuals, however, make the group. The leader must defend the rights of the group. 

It is important for the manager to keep work as effortless as possible for everyone. With deadlines and targets in mind, keep things as clear as possible. It is very important that we don’t assume that we know something. There will never be any unnecessary verifications. I’d rather spend a lot of time doing something carefully than making a sloppy decision just trying to get ahead. One of my biggest fears for the coming year will be the formation of a fake team. By fake team I mean doing things together that we think are our purpose. But we’ve just allowed decisions to be made because we haven’t dared to open our mouths with complete honesty. I intend to bring this matter to our attention at an early stage. Working as a false team is a crucial waste of time and drives us into a deep hole. That’s why it’s very important to find out our WHY. 

That’s it about the book and leader thoughts. Finally, I would like to answer a thought that must have occurred to you: why on earth am I writing in English when I have so far done all my reflections in Finnish? That’s actually a good question which includes a very simple answer. The most perfect thing about it is that the question starts with the word WHY. At the same time, the answer comes from the word WHY. I have long been ashamed of my English skills. It’s not terrible, but it’s nowhere near as good as I want it to be. That’s it, I said it myself. I want to. Because I WANT something, I know it will happen. I want to become a better English speaker. So, I choose to read books in English and write reflections in English. I apply to be an organizer for team exchanges, situations where I have to use English. I know that by doing this I will become a more confident English speaker. Who knows, maybe in the future I will take my business abroad and I will benefit enormously from this skill. The message of the story is that we humans can do anything. WHY? Because we want to. 

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